AHIMA Membership Information
To be an active and voting member of CtHIMA, you must hold membership in the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Many types of membership are available through AHIMA:
- New to AHIMA
- Premier
- Active
- Student
- New Graduate
- Emeritus
- Global/Outside the U.S.
- Group
For more information about membership with AHIMA, please call 800-335-5535 or email info@ahima.org or visit their website at http://www.ahima.org
Corporate Sponsorship
Any corporation interested in the purposes and mission of the Connecticut Health Information Maagement Association (CtHIMA) is eligible for corporate sponsorship. Each corporate sponsor shall designate one individual who receives the rights and privileges of corporate sponsorship for one year. Subsidiaries, affiliates, and divisional companies are not included under the corporate sponsorship of the parent corporation, but are eligible for corporate sponsorship separately.
Please contact us at administrator@cthima.org for further details on cost and benefits of becoming a corporate sponsor.
An exclusive AHIMA membership benefit!
Network with fellow Connecticut members at:
- Discuss topics with colleagues
- Share your own policies and procedures
- Request input on policies and procedures you are developing
- Post industry articles of interest
- Launch a new discussion
- Keep abreast of what is happening both nationally and locally
- And more…
Volunteer Opportunities
CtHIMA needs your help! Our members are the key to the strength of our association. Get involved today! Help improve your association, your profession and your resume by joining us on one of the committees listed below.
Volunteer Committee (to recruit and engage new volunteers)
Student Advisory Committee (to foster student involvement acting as a liaison)
Coding Committee
General Education Committee
Annual Committee for 2020
Networking Committee
Policy & Advisory Committee
Nominating Committee